Wednesday, June 08, 2005

I'm finding it harder to be a gentleman

I'm still in love with the White Stripes. I remember the day I bought White Blood Cells in 2001. I was living in Columbia, and I stopped by Streetside Records on my way home from the library.

And I remember buying Elephant in 2003. I was living in Lombard and went to Target on my day off to buy it. Then i walked to the pond in my neighborhood to listen to it. I just sat on my bench and listened to the whole thing.

I don't even know if it's cool anymore to listen to the White Stripes, but i really don't care. I mean, I bought the new fucking Kelly Osbourne CD as well today, so that should show you.

(And you know what? I feel a little bit sorry for Kelly Osbourne these days. I'm pretty sure she's not really in rehab, but some sort of hideout where they keep celebrities from performing live on shows like "The View" and Jay Leno when they have new albums to promote.)

So yeah, I'll listen to Get Behind Me Satan tomorrow at the Medicine Shoppe. Good times.

My air conditioner is working again, thank god. I can't believe how hot it was in my bedroom Monday night. I was on No Sleep Tuesday...NO SLEEP!

But things are back to normal. I had a visit from my mother today. We had lunch, she dropped off some Oberle Sausage and cheese, we watched Gilmore Girls. It was nice.

I just really hate the rain. The sound, the smell....just.....yuck. You know?


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