Sunday, October 08, 2006

This is how we know.

This is how you know you're getting old:

You leave Mississippi Nights after a rock show and say, "Well, that was LOUD, wasn't it?"

We saw The Thermals and Cursive, and it was a pretty good show. After some goading by Lukas, I got up the nerve to talk to Hutch and Kathy from The Thermals. We discussed Arrested Development.

Hutch said, "You know, I feel like I really haven't seen an episode unless I've seen it four times," which made me feel better about Tivo-ing the reruns on G4 while my season 1-3 DVDs sit on a shelf about six feet from the TV.

Kathy did a Buster impression, which lead to me saying "Hey, Hermano" while giving Hutch a pseudo-neck-rub. No touching, though, which was my regret of the night. That, and not bringing earplugs for Cursive's set.

Horrible sound and video here:

seriously. truly awful.


Blogger Shavita said...

Yeah, that's a pretty good indication that you are getting old.

That video really did suck.

6:42 PM  

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