Tuesday, January 01, 2008

I'm Gonna Put Jellybeans in Mine!

My public was clamoring for more posts from me (okay, so it was just Kari, but still, it's nice to be wanted), so here I am on New Year's Day, trying to think of stuff that's happened in the past month or so.

I could write about spending time with my family, how the kids just keep getting cuter and funnier.

AVERYme and darbysid and josey

How my mom really needs to wrap just one gift at a time and then put the nametag on immediately after.

the fam

I could write about my Christmas in Ste. Genevieve, how I spent Xmas Eve in a bar with dead animals on the wall. And yet Feist was on the jukebox.

a midway christmas (8)

Or the party we went to later that night, where some dude from the SG called me Al-Qaeda. Or how the same guy ended up O.D.-ing the next day.

Or how Miranda and I decided our new catchphrase is going to be "To Completion!?"

I could write about my new apartment and the haunted radiator, or the fact that the glare on my monitor is a brand new phenomenon, since it's been cloudy and/or dreary for the past two weeks straight.

I could write about FINALLY getting to watch the weed episode of The Facts of Life again, after like, 20-something years, and still thinking it's mean that the writers made Natalie buy a bong to store her junk food supply.

I could write about the parties I went to last night, how I was way overdressed to be playing Guitar Hero III or taking before-and-after pics of Brandon's crotch. (It was innocent, I promise). I did have lot of fun, though, don't get me wrong.

How have I never heard of that tradition where you write something down that you want to be over with in the new year, then you throw the piece of paper in the fire?

Anyway, I look forward to the end of the Writers' Strike any day now. You're welcome!


Blogger K said...

Thank you Mr. Christopher. Guitar Hero is so awesome! Did you make it through any songs? I could only do Hit Me With Your Best Shot.

2:51 PM  
Blogger Miranda Tegan said...

I was sitting behind a girl on the train. I could see what she was texting. It said, "What are you doing on New Year's? I just don't want to end up at a party where everyone is concentrating on Guitar Hero."

2:59 PM  
Blogger Karen said...

I am home sick and bored, and this little gem with the Facts of Life ref made me laugh so thank you :)

8:44 AM  

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