Monday, May 26, 2008

For Karen...

...who wanted a new post. Does anyone else think my nephew looks like Kenneth the Page?

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Big Ideas (Don't Get Any)

After some thought (and the deletion of exactly one post), I decided to "allow everybody" to view this blog again. I'm sure the same 12 people will still be reading, with the occasional reader stopping by every now and then because he/she googled "Jason Bateman shirtless."

Today is May 17. It's been exactly six months since "the break-up" and I'm quite tired of re-examining what went wrong and what could've been done differently. Dave and Alan are also probably happy that I decided a few weeks ago that today will be the day I stop talking about the whole thing.

(One other thing...I only know today is exactly six months since the break-up because it took place on our anniversary).

And while six months is exactly half the time Charlotte York would take to mourn that relationship, it feels like a perfectly acceptable amount of time for me.

And speaking of Charlotte, in anticipation of the arrival of the newest EW featuring SATC on the cover, here's a little gem I found from the soundtrack. It's a new song by Fergie called "Labels or Love."

It's atrocious. I think Alan's first words upon hearing the tune were, "Dear God." And he's an atheist! But it's Fergie, so that means I'll hate it the first five or six times I listen to it, but come June it'll be on my Top 25 Most Played list.

She doesn't sing-spell anything this time, but there are made-up words. "Califragi-sexy" is one of them, and I have no idea what it means. Until I see the movie, I'm going to pretend it's the name of Charlotte and Harry's adopted Chinese daughter.

Fergie - "Labels or Love"

Has everyone seen how adorable Angela's baby is? She just turned 1 last week.

Here's a pic of me and my girl Lizzie at the Cards game.

And my new favorite beer...

And while I don't have pics or videos of my own from the Radiohead concert, please just take my word that it was the best concert ever. Usually I get tired of standing at shows and end up thinking, "Please, no encore." But OMG, Radiohead wouldn't. Stop. Playing! And I loved it.

Radiohead Setlist 5/14/08 - St. Louis, MO

Set 1: All I Need, Jigsaw Falling Into Place, Airbag, 15 Step, Nude, Kid A, Weird Fishes/Arpeggi, The Gloaming, You and Whose Army?, Idioteque, Faust Arp, Videotape, Everything in Its Right Place, Reckoner, Optimistic, Bangers ++ Mash, Bodysnatchers

Encore 1: Exit Music (for a film), Myxomatosis, My Iron Lung, There There, Fake Plastic Trees

Encore 2: Pyramid Song, House of Cards, Paranoid Android


P.S. To the guy or girl that keeps googling "Jason Bateman shirtless" -- give it up. It's never gonna happen.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

I recently discovered that not even rain will stop me from drinking beer outdoors.

Saturday night, we attended the Beer Festival in Forest Park. To say it was muddy is a giant understatement.

Last night, I went to the Cardinals game against the Pirates? I'm pretty sure that's who we played. Their uniforms were HTM's.

Tonight is the Radiohead show, and while it's cloudy out now, I'm hoping for a dry evening for once.

Here's a stupid Radiohead remix that I did for that contest they had last month. I didn't do anything to the song except speed it up and add a little vocals at the beginning. I call it "Nude (in 2 minutes)," which is a better idea than my instrumental version that I was going to call "(Never) Nude."

Radiohead - "Nude"

And I promised The Gays I would put up the new awesome Weezer song.

Weezer - "Troublemaker"

Friday, May 02, 2008

I had lunch at the Boathouse yesterday, and it reminded me of Puppy Party 2007. That was like the perfect day.

I keep having Rigby dreams lately, which are better than other dreams I could be having, I suppose.

And because I can't stop talking about Robyn, here's the song she did last night on David Letterman.

Robyn - "Cobrastyle"